INCORME – III, 26 April 2019
INCORME–III has 10 Key speakers who are professors, lecturers, top tier corporate executives, senior consultants and managers. This is an International Management Conference wherein audience is comprised of delegates who are corporate executives, professors, academics, researchers and masters and doctoral students.
The discussion and feedback are vital ingredients for any research and that is where INCORME – III enables particpants to create, to facilitate and to disseminate information and knowledge in order to gain expertise by engaging into exploration and exchange of ideas and perspectives of their research. There are prizes given to audience for their contribution and participation in addition to a certificate of attendance. Nearing to the end of the event, there is an open panel discussion with global spotlight speakers followed by a networking event.
INCORME has its roots in providing easy and affordable publication and research exchange opportunities to research students, freelance researchers and consultants and executives who will not need large capital or funding to attend conferences, display and discuss their research and publish the research in the form of peer reviewed knowledge.
There are parallel sessions in the event so that research exchange, meaningful discussions and debates for all particpants' research can be carried out and research output is robust, stringent, novel and contributing to theory and practice both.
We invite research papers addressing the theme, to present in person. We welcome a variety of types of papers. Abstracts or papers will be reviewed continuously until the conference programme is full. If your proposed abstract is accepted you will have to submit a full paper. All papers submitted will be peer reviewed for publication in our journal. All abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings. All proposals, presentations, papers, abstracts or posters must be in English.
All submitted papers will be reviewed for publishing in our journal International Journal for Business and Management Research (IJBMR)
Submit your abstract, full paper or poster by attaching it with the registration form and payment after reading the guidance given below.
Scope and Research ThemesThe scope of this international conference INCORME – III is for business and management streams. We encourage contributions that focus both on single issues whether social, environmental, economic or technological, as well as contributions that focus on the challenges and opportunities where these streams seem to merge. We seek to develop knowledge and its related practice. We encourage critical perspectives, situated in the context of an evolving global dynamics of business through merging management and engineering.
We invite abstracts/ full research papers for business and management research as shown below.
- Corporate Strategy
- Global Strategic Management
- Organisational Design and Behaviour
- Corporate Finance
- Production and Operations
- Human Resources Development
- Marketing and Corporate Branding
- Research Methods in Management
For example, select a theme from management subject and related industry practice which could combine and merge exploration into both fields.
In another example, Sustainability in the form of longevity or growth of business class traffic is an issue for airlines with the advent of online communication and video conferencing including political aspects. However, this does not preclude aerospace companies such as Boeing or Airbus investing in aircraft development or airlines investing in larger and better fleets. Therefore, sustainability (a corporate strategy theme) when merged with Aerospace engineering and the Automotive industry together form a research base.
Similarly, Productions and Operations management could be combined with manufacturing industry wherein oil and gas companies could be analysed which could generate another research scope. All of the above listed management subjects and their detailed themes could be combined with various industry practices such as automotive, oil and gas, pharmaceutical, technology hardware in the manufacturing category; and retail, banking, mobile telecommunications, information technology or software in the services category, to name a few, which could generate over-arching research themes and issues.
Examples for research topics or research papers:
- Applications of Qualitative Techniques in Operations Research
- CEOs Dilemma in Recession: Debt or Equity Finance
- Sustainability of global social media organisations: Facebook, Twitter or Instagram
- Can technological disruptive innovation make laptops obsolete?
- The future of crypto currencies: Bitcoin, Litecoin or Ripple
- Optimisation Techniques in High Performance Manufacturing Systems
The above examples are indicative but not limiting, and submissions are invited that fall outside of, overlap or combine these research areas.
All accepted abstracts and papers will be published as conference proceedings. In addition, registration in the conference provides participants the chance to publish full papers in online academic journal, an online research database and an e-book to be compiled from conference papers. Full papers submitted for publication will be peer reviewed and acceptance for publication will be based on review reports. All submitted papers will be reviewed for publishing in our journal International Journal for Business and Management Research (IJBMR). Please send enquiries to:
Registration Form
Fields marked in * are required.
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Terms and conditions for registration & submission for research conference on INCORME
CEO 24X7 Limited, INCORME or INRME as organisers of any or all our conferences reserve all rights to modify, to cancel, to postpone or to change any programme(s), detail, theme, venue, date, speaker, global spotlight speaker, session chair, prize, session, part of the event, networking event, photo, output, article, call for paper, track, submission, proceeding, advertisement, brochure, display, journal, poster, ticket, price or any other detail or attribute which is not even included here.
You must present your own work when you attend the conference as a presenter and under No circumstances someone else would be allowed to present your work.
If your abstract or poster is accepted then you will have to submit full paper at a later date. You will be given two weeks after conference to send in your full paper. To attend this conference, an abstract or poster must be submitted online, together with the registration form and conference fee.
If online payment does not work or did not work then please send us an email and we will call to give you details for alternative payment methods such as bank transfer, account depositing or by cheque or demand draft.
Abstracts and posters are evaluated by the organising committee and review panel according to novelty, originality and contribution to the field of management or engineering.
In case you want to attend the conference but cannot attend then you should register as a virtual presenter and send us a video or power point file to We will then show the video or power point presentation to the delegates in an allocated presentation slot. Feedback received in the form of a short summary and questions raised by the audience will be sent to you.
The posters submitted for conference must be A0 size and printed only in portrait style that is 841mm (width) x 1189mm (height). If your poster is off any different size or printing style then you will NOT be allowed to present the poster. In such cases no registration fee will be returned.
You will come to know the progress of your submission for publication when we will notify you the outcome of the publication selection process. No additional phone calls or emails will be replied in this regard by our company, selection panel or editor.
Return, Refund or Cancellation Policy: If you need to cancel your registration for our conference for whatever reason, you must do it in writing to us at minimum 25 working days before the actual date of conference or event, or before 1st day of event in case it is more than 1 day conference or event. Cancellations or refund requested before stipulated 25 working days will receive 50% registration fee back and 50% will be deducted for administration expenses, service charges and slot occupancy fee, as conference venue has limited capacity. Any cancellation, refund or return requests received on or after 25 days limit will not receive a refund under any circumstances and no further communication will be made in this regard. The organising committee’s decision shall be binding and final in all such cases.
All conference rooms are equipped with a laptop or tablet attached to a projector for presentations. Each room has flip charts and markers available. You may bring your own laptop but our company cannot take responsibility for your belongings. You may bring a flash drive to plug in to the available computers.
Our company has taken group insurance to host this conference but it is every participants’ responsibility to protect themselves and their belongings. You or Your belongings are not insured by our company under any circumstances. Any behaviour or actions which are deemed threatening to conference, the venue, individuals or their reputations, will not be tolerated by the organising committee, organisers, our company or venue provider. Any such behaviour or actions will attract immediate ban on participation and cancellation of your registration/ submission without any refund from INCORME conference(s) and the venue as decided by organisers, our company, sponsors and/ or venue provider. Venue provider for INCORME-II, 2017 is Brunel University.
Transportation, accommodation, conveyance, food, drinks: Our company or organisers or sponsors will not provide any of these. The registration fee is for attendance and participation in the conference. However, daily food and drinks tickets or vouchers are available at an additional cost from conference reception or authorised staff members of our company. You or your company are advised to inform about your requirements so that our company can finalise and arrange catering for the conference days. Payment in advance is required for these vouchers or tickets in cash.
Any submissions made you or your company in the form of abstract(s), poster(s), form(s), online form(s), article(s), research paper(s), review(s), literature or analyses or conceptual paper(s) or review(s) to conference are fully owned by our company; and once submitted online or offline to our company then it becomes our company’s copyrighted property and material. Henceforth, our company reserves all rights to use any such material submitted or sent by you or your company for our company’s benefits. You, your company, team, members, partners, associates, presenters, researchers, inventors or applicant(s) agree and confirm that you waive or release any or all of your copyrights, patent rights, trademark rights, service rights, commercial rights or production rights; and transfer all these rights to our company when you submit any such document(s); and allow our company to use the same or modified document in any form for our company’s benefit as many time(s) as our company wishes or requires to do so without giving you or your company any financial, monetary, commercial or economic benefit, profit, proceeds, commission or royalty of any form. Our company does not or will not require even to inform or to provide any notification in this regard to you or your company or any other members, partners, associates, presenters, researchers, inventors or applicant(s).
A copy of full programme will be available at conference reception when you arrive and also you or your company will be notified of your presentation or attendance slot at least one week prior to the event. An overview of time and details of all three days of conference is available on this website in programme section.
Invoice: You or your company will receive your invoice with a welcome pack on arrival. If you are unable to attend we will email your invoice to you.
If you or your company has registered for conference in the category of student registration, virtual presenter or 1-day registration then you will have to pay extra to buy the networking ticket. You or your company can buy networking tickets from conference reception or an authorised staff member of our company or organisers.
The conference registration can be transferred to someone else but only in the case of local candidates from the UK. Registration is NOT transferable if we have issued you ‘a letter of invitation’ to support your travel process. For any registration transfer, you or your company must make a written request to and that request must be approved on or before 1 month prior to the 1st day of the conference or event by our company or conference organisers in writing. Any delay in submission of such requests by you or your company is not our company’s responsibility. Also, it is not guaranteed that any or all such requests would be approved. Any decision by our company will be final and binding upon you or your company in this regard.
Student registration: Please ensure that the email you provide on your registration form is of your active email account with your university, college or school. This is to confirm that you are a currently enrolled and active student with that particular institution and allows you to apply for a discounted conference place.
Contact us: Please feel free to write to conference organisers
By E-mail:
By Post to Regd. Office : 122, Flat 1, Causeway, Banbury, OX16 4SQ Oxfordshire United Kingdom
By Phone: + 44 – 7852 123784 (Mobile)
Country of Merchant Domicile: Our company is registered in the United Kingdom and our primary business operations are in the United Kingdom. The country of merchant domicile is the United Kingdom. Any payment made online or offline to CEO 24X7 Limited, INCORME or INRME is received by our company in the United Kingdom.
Delivery Policy: For consulting services, delivery time is agreed with an individual or an organisation prior to finalising a written contract with them and we aim to deliver services within the agreed time on a case by case basis. For INCORME, we aim to arrange and organise a conference or an event on the dates advertised on our website however we reserve all rights to make any change any time in any of the details. For INRME services we aim to contact or to respond a communication within one week and then further discuss and agree the delivery time on a case by case basis during next stages of communication.
Transaction Currency: We offer our services for the prices clearly mentioned in GBP (£). Any payment you make from any country worldwide in any currency is converted by banks involved in the transaction into GBP (£) that is the final currency we accept any payment in. Your bank may charge you for converting and paying into GBP (£) which is different currency than your normal or local card. It is customers’ sole responsibility to check this with their respective banks to check prior to making a purchase for any currency charges you may incur to pay online or to pay by transfer, cheque or demand draft.
These term(s) and/ or conditions form the integral part of the transaction between you or your company and ‘our company’ and any of our services are availed by you subject to your acceptance of all these term(s) and/ or condition(s) without any modification.
By submitting information, forms, paying any fees or charges to our company, you agree and confirm that you have accepted these term(s) and / or condition(s). By using any of the product(s) or service(s) you agree to all these terms, conditions, policies and provisions stated here by our company or stated on behalf of our company. These set of terms and conditions are immediately effective upon any submission by you or your acceptance on these site(s) and will continue to be in effect until termination of use, any submission, active participation or agreement.
The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of these term(s) and/ or condition(s) will not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision or any of these term(s) and/ or condition(s), and any invalid or unenforceable provision(s), term(s) and / or condition(s) will be severable.
If you or your company do not agree to any of these Terms or conditions then please do not use or access services of our company. If you or your company will be using our company’s services on behalf of any entity or organisation or group or company then you agree to these terms and / or conditions on behalf of that entity and/ or its affiliates; and you or your company confirm and agree that you or your company have the authority to do so or to make transaction with our company. In case you or your company do not have any such authority, or if you or your company do not agree to any of these terms and / or conditions then please do not use or access our company’s website(s) or our company or any of its product(s) or service(s).
26th April 2019
Darwin room, Hamilton centre, Brunel University, Uxbridge, London
9:30 am |
Registration |
9:50 am |
Welcome Remarks from the Chair |
10:00 am |
Key Speaker: Dr Greco Francesco |
10:30 am |
Key Speaker: Christina Demetriades |
11:00 am |
Key Speaker: Prof Vilmante Kumpikaite |
11:30 – 11:45 am Tea/ Coffee Break |
11:45 am |
Key Speaker: Dr Bahtiar Mohamad |
12:15 pm |
Key Speaker: Dr Shafinar Ismail |
12:45 - 01:30 pm Lunch |
1:30 pm |
Key Speaker: Prof Raed Al-Gharabat |
2:00 pm |
Key Speaker: Dr Mehdi Sarsar |
2:30 pm |
Key Speakers’ Panel: Prof Saskia, Dr Vishvesh, Prof Vilmante and Dr Bahtiar |
3:30 – 4:00 pm Tea/ Coffee Break |
4:00 pm |
Key Speaker: Prof Saskia Harkema |
4:30 pm |
Prize Ceremony and Group Photography |
4:45 pm |
Networking, Drinks Reception and 1-to-1 Discussions with Key Speakers |
6:00 pm |
Close |

INCORME – III will take place on the 26th April 2019
The address of the conference venue is:
Cavendish and Darwin rooms
Hamilton centre, Opposite Main library (Bannerman Centre) on campus
Brunel University Campus
Brunel University
Uxbridge, LONDON, UB8 3PH
United Kingdom
The official conference networking event will be held on 26th April 2019.
The networking event will comprise:
- Open panel discussion with senior level key speakers from industry and academia
- Vote of thanks to key speakers
- Prizes and certificates to delegates
- Group photography
- Networking with fellow delegates and guests in a relaxed atmosphere with refreshments being served
The cost of the ticket for this networking event is £20; this applies to those delegates who have not registered for the conference or for those wishing to attend the networking event only. For all other delegates this networking event is included in the registration fee.
Owing to limited venue capacity, networking event tickets are limited. It is therefore suggested that you obtain your ticket from authorised staff at conference reception as early as possible.
All participants, attendees, delegates and invited guests will be given certificate of attendance from the organisers and president of the conference. Any one becomes eligible for the certificate only if they have attended the full conference for two days on 26th April 2019.
- Best overall Abstract / paper submitted and presented – 3 prizes
- Best delivery and style of presentation - 2 prizes
- Commendable contribution from a Non-Presenter in the audience – 3 prizes
- Sponsor’s award for the Most Novel Contribution to the field – 1 prize
In the following publication process, each submission gets five different opportunities for research to be published:
- Abstract in summary of conference abstracts – all submitted
- Full paper in conference proceedings – if selected after review
- Full paper in an online journal – if selected after peer review
- Full paper in e-book compilation – if selected by editors
- Full paper in proposed online database – if selected by editors
Selected papers in the INCORME – III 2018 will be published in the International Journal of Business and Management Research (IJBMR)
This is how the publication process works before and after the conference:
Step 1: Submission of abstract/ full paper through online registration and form submission
Step 2: You will receive notification of acceptance of your abstract/ full paper for conference presentation
Step 3: Notification of request for full paper in case you submitted abstract only at the time of registration
Step 4: Notification, if selected, for inclusion of your full paper in our journal
Step 5: Notification, if selected, for inclusion of your full paper as an article or chapter in our proposed E-book
Step 6: Notification, if selected, for inclusion of your full paper for our proposed research database
Step 1 to 3 take place before the conference.
Step 4 to 6 would normally happen after the conference has taken place.
There is a special offer for Brunel University students or any PhD student to nominate one extra delegate FREE to attend the INCORME - III with them.
Once you register online for yourself then please send email to: with details of your nominated delegate.
Registration Type | Registration Fee |
Standard Registration | £395 |
Student Registration | £199 |
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