INCORME - II, 2017
INCORME brings together researchers, scientists, academics, corporate executives, practising managers and research students for exploring knowledge and their contributions to the fields of Management and Engineering. Register now >>>
INCORME - I, 2016
You can download the INCORME - I programme here.
Key Speakers
- Prof Geoff Rodgers, Dy. Vice-Chancellor (Research), Brunel University, UK
- Dr Stephen Smith, Associate Professor, Brunel Business School, UK
- Dr Kumar Neeraj Jha, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India
- Mr Aiyed Rikabawi, CEO and Chair, Australian Arab Institute of Strategic Affair, Australia
- Ms Alexandra Cass, Chemical & Bioprocess Engineer, London, UK
- Mr Nigel Biggs, CEO & Innovator, Passionate Innovation Ltd., UK
- Prof Philip Walsh, Associate Professor – Strategy, Ryerson University, Canada